Is your emotional style baggage adding to your stress?

Psychologically speaking how we dress sends a clear message to the world about how we feel.

I have studied, The ‘Social Psychology of Dress’ to enhance my own knowledge on how people’s perception of us impacts our daily life more than we realise.

I was fascinated to learn that when we are placed in situations where we need to make judgments on others, and we have very little background information, our brains rely solely on what we see.

Thus proving how first judgments can be excruciatingly powerful currency these days.

Think about how socially acceptable it is to use dating apps so casually where we swipe to reject someone we do not like the look of.

Also, how recruiters judge our physical appearance as part of their hiring process, often before they have spoken to us.

“Your outfits can have you single and penniless in a flash.”

Did you know that our sight is the most developed sense we have? It is therefore no surprise that we yearn to see something delightful when we look at ourselves and definitely not something that triggers a negative response. It can actually make us feel sick as we cannot actually control this sense very well. The only way to guarantee you like what you see is to deeply consider how you present yourself.

Research argues that our emotional baggage goes beyond just wanting to look ‘good’, we are biologically conditioned to want to please an observer and stimulate their eyes in a positive way. All this will hopefully allow us to be able to ‘get on’ better in life… The extent to which we please someone, and how to please them, changes from context to context so this is another thing we have to navigate.

We all have an awful lot of feelings about all these things but we cannot escape them are we are literally hard wired to experience them. Instead we just bury these feelings, we daren’t discuss them, and therefore we easily feel very overwhelmed. Every single client I have worked with shared how they felt the impact of getting their style right went far beyond a good outfit. From promotions, to career changes, to new relationships and new life styles, each and every client has discovered a sense of personal growth after their investment in personal styling. Check out how the felt by having a read of some of their testimonials.

Feel free to chat with me, I love to talk about this stuff, mainly because I believe my styling strategy will get you the results you want and alleviate this stress.

I hope this helps…

Love Jess



I help transform people: inside and out


Why is getting dressed stressing you out?